
The Grand Lodge of F. and A. M. in Finland, District of Sweden

Presently, three lodges of Free and Accepted Masons – Telge No. 169, Donatus No. 174 and Igelsta No. 175 – work in Sweden under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Finland, which has given the lodges right to confer the three Masonic degrees. The lodges belong to the District of Sweden, led by the District Grand Master Björn-Erik Blomqvist. The lodges work in Swedish. In the future, we hope to expand into Umeå with our fourth lodge, Aurelius No. 179. For the time being, Aurelius No. 179 works in parallel with other district lodges and neighbouring lodges in Vasa, Finland.

Freemasonry strives to awaken the desires to think, question and seek, and welcome candidates from all parts of society and from different religious beliefs.

The District of Sweden is part of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in Finland. It is regular and is recognized by both the United Grand Lodge of England and the Swedish Order of Freemasons. All masonic work in the District is done with the permission of the Swedish Order of Freemasons.

The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted of Finlands’ official website (English)

Freemasonry in Finland

The first Finnish Freemasons’ lodge, St. Augustin, was founded in Stockholm in 1756, and two years later moved to Finland. But Masonic activity ceased when Sweden lost Finland to Russia in 1809. The St. Augustin Lodge was officially suspended by the Grand Master in 1813.

When Finland became independent in 1917 a number of men who had emigrated from Finland to America and there become acquainted with Freemasonry started to work for Freemasonry to be reintroduced to Finland. It resulted in the founding of Suomi Lodge No. 1 in 1922. One of the 27 founding members was the famous composer Jean Sibelius. Later he composed  special ritual music, Musique Religieuse Op. 113, now used in all three degrees. In 1923 Tammer Lodge was founded in Tampere and Phoenix Lodge in Turku. The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Finland was founded in 1924.

The first lodge in Sweden under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Finland, F.&A.M Lodge Telge No. 169, was opened ceremoniously in Södertälje September 14, 2013.

Further information about Freemasonry

Contact information

District level, Sweden
District Grand Master
E-mail: dism@friaochantagnamurare.se

Postal address:
The Grand Lodge of Finland
Attn: District of Sweden
Kaserngatan 16 D
FI-00130 Helsingfors

F.&A.M. Lodge Telge No. 169
E-mail: telge@friaochantagnamurare.se
Visiting address: Ängsgatan 7, Södertälje, Sweden

F.&A.M. Lodge Donatus No. 174
E-mail: donatus@friaochantagnamurare.se
Visiting address: Krafts Torg 10, Lund, Sweden

F.&A.M. Lodge Igelsta No. 175
E-mail: igelsta@friaochantagnamurare.se
Visiting address: Ängsgatan 7, Södertälje, Sweden

F.&A.M. Lodge Aurelius No. 179
Visiting address:
Skolgatan 49, Umeå, Sweden

Meeting Dates
Telge No. 169
Donatus No. 174
Igelsta No. 175
Aurelius No. 179